Jail Papers #3: “NCGS 132 “Public Records Request” for NC Attorney Joshua Stein | (Sent from Orange County Detention Center, 7 October 2023)

The following is a transcribed version of a “public records request” and accompanying letter to Attorney General Josh Stein, composed at the Orange County Detention Center in Hillsborough, NC.

10/7/2023 21:30
“7 October 2023 

/ Dear Mr. Stein, /
Enclosed is an NCGS 132 Public Records Request. Since you are so keen on invoking federal law over and against the laws of North Carolina, allow me to direct you to the provisions of Title 18, USC Secs. 241 & 242. If you refuse to acknowledge me as your primary opponent, I will take matters up with the US Attorney Mr. Easley. Tread carefully, sir. / 
Regards, Dawson Gage”
10/7/2023 21:33
…p.s. This letter and the enclosed papers have been duplicated and copied to my attorney Mr. Goolsby and Governor Cooper’s attorney Mr. Phillips. / Thom Goolsby 9102627401 / Jim Phillips 3364021390
10/7/2023 21:42
“ATTN: Attorney General Joshua Stein, assistants, staff. / SUBJECT: Request for Public Records in light of 2024 gubenatorial elections. ****** In his capacity as candidate for the office of Governor of North Carolina, requesting party William Dawson Gage does hereby submit the following lawful, formal, and official Request for Public Records pursuant to N.C.G.S. Chapter 132 and in light of Article I, Sec. 10 of the Constitution of North Carolina, which holds and sets forth that “All elections shall be free.”

***====** Requesting party Mr. Gage specifies all records of communications and correspondence between the Office of the Attorney General (Joshua Stein) and the Office of the District Attorney for the 6th prosecutorial district (Benjamin David) concerning and pertaining to the following matters/subjects/persons: A) “State of N.C. v William Dawson Gage” B) “State of N.C. v. Marion Timothy Joyner” C) the removal of the “Confederate Statue” at 3rd and Market Streets…
10/7/2023 21:51
…Wilmington. D) The bestowal of a so-called “Dogwood Award” on Mr. David by Mr. Stein E) “work with the victims of domestic violence” by Mr. David’s offices F) Investigations into alleged “criminal conspiracies” involved in the sale of New Hanover Regional Medical Center. G) Any correspondence containing the names of Dawson Gage, Hannah Gage, Thomas Goolsby, Julia Olson-Boseman, or referring to WHQR Public Radio. H) Any records pertaining to the “Affidavit to Petition for the Removal of the District Attorney”, filed by requesting party Mr. Gage in Wilmington on 23 December 2019. ******===*** Thus specifying the records in question, requesting party William Dawson Gage would furthermore ask that these records be furnished in electronic/digitized form (PDF) and sent as email attachments to the following parties at the addresses here given: Jennifer Harjo –>jennifer.harjo@nccourts.org Hannah McGee –> hannah.i.mcgee@nccourts.org

10/7/2023 21:59
..Alexandria Palombo —-> alexandria.j.palombo@nccourts.org Rufus Edmisten —> rufus@edmistenwebb.comJim Phillips —-> jphillips@brookspierce.com Clay Hester —> chester@spottsfain.com James Rainsford —->jrainsford@hillsboroughnclaw.com Kevin Spears —-> kevin.spears@wilmingtonnc.gov Hannah Gage —>hannahdawsongage@gmail.com ================ Thus solemnly and cordially requesting, I, William Dawson Gage contend thereby that such records as these are “property of the people” under the Laws of our State, and that their release and publication are furthermore made rightful according to international law and the common law of English-speaking peoples; invoking these provisions of law, I submit this written request for the attention of Attorney General Joshua Stein and to whom it may concern…. //
10/7/2023 22:03
….Signed and submitted via U.S. Mail to “Attorney General Joshua Stein, c/o N.C. Department of Justice, 114 West Edenton Street, Raleigh, NC 27603” this 8 October 2023. =========== William Dawson Gage / 513 Orange Street / Wilmington, NC 28401-4609 / 910-322-5853 / dawson@freewilmington.org X_______________ =============== SENT FROM: Orange County Detention Center, William Dawson Gage #288949 , 1200 US 70 West, Hillsborough, NC 27278”