Jail Papers #9: NCGS 132 Public Records Request for District Attorney Ben David concerning “the WHQR Conspiracy” (sent from Orange County Detention Center, 26 November 2023)

“I’m with you in Rockland / where your condition is getting serious and is reported on the radio.”

Allen Ginsberg, “HowL”
"ATTN: District Attorney Benjamin David, assistants, staff. 

SUBJECT: Request for Public Records.


Pursuant to NCGS 132, requesting party William Dawson Gage specifies all email and SMS text message communications between the office of the District Attorney and the employees and board members of WHQR Public Radio from 2014 – present. These shall include all emails sent and received by personnel of the D.A.’s office using addresses on NCCOURTS.ORG as well as District Attorney Ben David’s “personal email” (benjamin.r.david5@gmail.com) ==== Thus specifying, requesting party Mr. Gage would ask that said records be furnished in “electronic/digitized” form (PDF with “embedded text”) to the following email addresses:

1) Thomas Goolsby (thom@goolsbylaw.com)

2) Clay Hester (chester@spottsfain.com)

3) Kevin Spears (kevin.spears@wilmingtonnc.gov)

4) Hannah Gage (hannahdawsongage@gmail.com)

5) Rufus Edmisten (rufus@edmistenwebb.com)

6) Jennifer Harjo (jennifer.harjo@nccourts.org)..

7) Jim Phillips (jphillips@brookspierce.com)

=== Requesting party Mr. Gage contends hereby that said records are “property of the people” under the Laws of our State and that their disclosure and publication are material and necessary to the General and Primary Elections of 2024. Thus contending, I, William Dawson Gage, submit this written request for the attention of District Attorney Benjamin David and the personnel of the 6th Prosecutorial District.

**ESSE QUAM VIDERI “BI NÜ KAI LIN” ======================

this 26 November 2023

Signed and submitted via US Mail to:

District Attorney Benjamin David, c/o Samantha Dooies, P.O. 352, Wilmington, NC 28402

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=SENT FROM : William Dawson Gage (#288949) / Orange County Detention Center / 1200 US 70 West / Hillsborough, NC 27278 ==========================

William Dawson Gage / 513 Orange Street / Wilmington, NC 28401-4609 / 910-322-5853 / dawson@freewilmington.org

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