Jail Papers #10: Letter to Jan Kennedy, Clerk of Superior Court for New Hanover County (sent from Orange County Detention Center, 24 October 2023)

24 October 2023

Dear Ms. Kennedy, / I hope this note finds you well, and that you have found the time to take some official notice of the papers/process I have sent via U.S. Mail to the judges of the District Court. / One thing I have learned during the years of my adventures at 316 Princess Street is “Don’t try to do too much at once.” When you are dealing with such an elaborate and audacious scheme of misconduct as I am, you have to be very careful, very patient. In light of this, I have one very simple and modest request/instruction. / This concerns two “evidence binders/plaintiff’s exhibits”. These are the exhibits from: 1) “Carter v. Gage #2” heard 29 April 2022 (Judge McKee) 2) “Jewell v. Gage #2” heard 7 October 2022 (Judge Noecker) /

Without getting too dramatic or conspiratorial, I should tell you that the materials in these binders are important evidence in the pending Criminal proceedings in Orange County. It is therefore necessary that they be preserved.

So my request is that your staff scan/digitize both exhibits, and email the PDFs to these 4 attorneys. /

1) Thom Goolsby thom@goolsbylaw.com

2) James Rainsford jrainsford@hillsboroughnclaw.com

3) Jim Phillips jphillips@brookspierce.com

4) Clay Hester chester@spottsfain.com

That will do for now. I would appreciate it if you would acknowledge receipt of this letter by telephone to Mr. Goolsby or his secretary at 9102627401. My most sincere thanks for your assistance.

Yours truly, Dawson Gage.”